Coming from corporate and knowing its workload, its challenges, and its time constraints, I am always thinking how I can help even further, the busy professional. Time is money. At same time the busy bee, needs help, needs inspiration, needs guidance, needs basically coaching. This is where the Laser Coaching program kicks in.
Having in mind, that it is focused, results oriented, Laser Coaching is the best for someone who cannot waste time, cannot deep dive into the past and needs to focus on the future, on a project, on challenges with the team and many more. Laser coaching aims to achieve specific goals in a short amount of time and is highly efficient.

Reaching Your Goals
The client comes with a goal which is targeted towards a goal or matter those needs resolving. Within max 15-20 minutes the Laser Coaching session is completed, talking about the as is, diving a bit into the reality and what has worked or not so far and with the typical open questioning techniques of coaching, the client can establish the first steps to start resolving this topic.
I use a combination of mentoring and coaching, as within the short amount of time during the laser coaching, the clients desire is to walk away with few tangible action points. Therefore, providing some examples and sharing experiences helps the client to think further. Laser Coaching is aimed to go to the essence, go to the source without spending too much time on the other hand, it is still a coaching session.
The difference lies in, that Laser Coaching is quick, does not check out the past, focuses on the future steps solely and is focused, zoomed in.

Who can Benefit from Laser Coaching?
Leaders, executives, managers who needs to juggle lots of responsibilities and looking for external guidance and support. With less energy and being focused, Laser Coaching is top notch for them. And, for Students. Yes, as they have time limitations as well. Amongst all the exams, theses and assignments, they are in need of knowing how to manage their time, their strengths, their passion and how to reach their professional goals.
As the Laser sessions are quick and straight to the point, it holds the client even more so accountable to take the steps identified during the Laser Coaching session. For consistency, which is key to success in any way, my Laser Coaching program reads like a fitness studio. It lasts for 6 months. The client can book each day 15 min, provided that the previous agreed step during our Laser Coaching session is completed.
Moreover, the Laser Coaching session is dependent on the client’s preparation for the session. The more prepared the client shows up to the Laser Coaching session, the more effective it is.
As in any start of coaching sessions, in Laser Coaching, we always have an intake or as we say “meet&greet” session, to seek synergies and understanding of the major challenges. Laser Coaching is a great way of having a coach beside you, without spending hours in sessions.
Having someone outside the company is such a relief as you can open up, be authentic, share and fee understood. Laser Coaching is not a luxury, it is a necessity for the busy professional to live a fulfilled career.

Laser Coaching is a journey, with twists and turns, with ups and downs, and with its beauty, feeing:
Yes, I got this, I am on the right track. Looking forward having you as my Laser Coaching client.
Check out my coaching service: Laser Coaching