How can you choose the right coach? What do you need to look out for? What is important?
Make sure that the coach has got a certification, ideally a diploma from a valid coach training school and is accredited. Why does accreditation matter? Certification is verification related to products, processes, systems or persons. Accreditation is verification related to demonstration of competence to carry out specific tasks
Here is a short checklist for you to make sure you choose the right coach for you:
Thumb rule:
- Make sure that the coach has got a diploma or min a certification which shows extensive study time and competencies
- The coach is accredited by a coaching accreditation institution (ICF/ IAPMC / ILM )
- Why does accreditation matter?
- Certification is verification related to products, processes, systems or persons Accreditation is verification related to demonstration of competence to carry out specific tasks. So accreditation is higher than certification, for example, students receive a certificate on completion of their degree, but it’s the university that has their courses accredited – often the reason why a student will select one university over another
- What is your specific goal you want to achieve? In which field do you want to improve? What pain do you want to decrease / eliminate?
- According to your specific needs, you shall search for a coach who is specialised in this field
- Have an intake session with the coach before you start the coaching relationship. What is an intake session? Basically, a meet & Greet. Let the coach introduce him/herself and yourself. Be clear and bold about what you expect as outcome. Finally, check out your intuition. What does it say? Is it a good fit or not?
If you have checked above boxes, you can move to the next stage about agreeing on how many sessions you are going to commit to, time, day and format as well as the pricing.

How to Choose the Right Coach
This is a journey. One session is not sufficient to change your mindset or habit.
On your part as the coachee: Be open minded, curious, enjoy and have fun. Afterall you invest in yourself and this is something that you should celebrate.